Um, excuse me.
Um, excuse me.
Could you pass the soy sauce?
Could you pass the soy sauce?
Thank you.
Thank you.
What does “sumimasen” mean?
What does “sumimasen” mean?
目次 (Contents)
1. 「すみません」ってどういう意味?
1. What does “sumimasen” mean?
「すみません」は、日本でとてもよく使われるフレーズです。誰かに声をかけたり、感謝の気持ちを伝えたり、謝ったりするときに使えます。「すみません」は、もともと、「済む」という動詞の否定形から来ています。「済む」は、終わる、または解決するという意味を持ちます。さらに、これに否定の「ません」が付くことで、「解決していない」「終わっていない」というニュアンスが 生まれます。そのため、色々な場面で、自分だけではできないことをしてくれる相手のために使うようになりました。
The phrase “sumimasen” is very commonly used in Japan. It can be used when speaking to someone, expressing gratitude, or apologizing. The origin of “sumimasen” comes from the negative form of the verb “sumu (済む),” which means “to end” or “to be resolved.” Adding the negative “masen” creates the nuance of “not being resolved” or “not ending.” For this reason, it is often used in various situations to express consideration towards someone who helps with something one cannot do alone.
The phrase “sumimasen” is very commonly used in Japan. It can be used when speaking to someone, expressing gratitude, or apologizing. The origin of “sumimasen” comes from the negative form of the verb “sumu (済む),” which means “to end” or “to be resolved.” Adding the negative “masen” creates the nuance of “not being resolved” or “not ending.” For this reason, it is often used in various situations to express consideration towards someone who helps with something one cannot do alone.
2. 声をかけるとき
When speaking to someone
「すみません」は、英語の「Excuse me」の意味でも使われます。例えば、知らない人に話しかけるときや、誰かに何かをお願いするときです。
The phrase ‘sumimasen’ can also be used in the sense of ‘Excuse me’ in English. For example, when speaking to a stranger or when asking someone for help.
The phrase ‘sumimasen’ can also be used in the sense of ‘Excuse me’ in English. For example, when speaking to a stranger or when asking someone for help.
① デパート / Department Store
Excuse me, where is the restroom?
Excuse me, where is the restroom?
It is on the 3rd floor.
It is on the 3rd floor.
② レストラン / Restaurant
Excuse me, the check, please.
Excuse me, the check, please.
Okay, please wait a moment.
Okay, please wait a moment.
③ コンビニの通路 / Convenience Store Aisle
Excuse me, I need to get through behind you.
Excuse me, I need to get through behind you.
Oh, sorry.
Oh, sorry.
④ 食卓 / Dining Table
Excuse me, could you pass the salt?
Excuse me, could you pass the salt?
Here you go.
Here you go.
⑤ 職場 / Office
Excuse me, can I ask something?
Excuse me, can I ask something?
Yes, what is it?
Yes, what is it?
3. お礼を言うとき
When thanking someone
「すみません」は、英語の「Thank you」の意味でも使われます。「ありがとう」が、相手の行為そのものに対して感謝の気持ちを表すのに対して、「すみません」には、自分が迷惑をかけたかもしれないと感じるときに使います。英語に慣れない日本人が、「Thank you.」の代わりに、「I’m sorry.」と言ってしまうことがあるのは、「すみません」の持つこのような心理的ニュアンスの影響かもしれませんね。仲のいい間柄のときは、「ありがとう」の代わりに「すみません」を使うと、よそよそしく聞こえることがあります。
The phrase “sumimasen” can also be used in the sense of “Thank you” in English. While “arigatou” expresses gratitude directly for the act itself, “sumimasen” is used when one feels they may have inconvenienced the other person. It could be because of this psychological nuance that Japanese people who are not familiar with English sometimes say “I’m sorry” instead of “Thank you.” In close relationships, using “sumimasen” instead of “arigatou” can sometimes come across as overly formal or distant.
The phrase “sumimasen” can also be used in the sense of “Thank you” in English. While “arigatou” expresses gratitude directly for the act itself, “sumimasen” is used when one feels they may have inconvenienced the other person. It could be because of this psychological nuance that Japanese people who are not familiar with English sometimes say “I’m sorry” instead of “Thank you.” In close relationships, using “sumimasen” instead of “arigatou” can sometimes come across as overly formal or distant.
① ホテルマンに対して / To Hotel Staff
I’ll carry your luggage for you.
I’ll carry your luggage for you.
Thank you (with a polite tone).
Thank you (with a polite tone).
② 仲の良い友達に対して / To Friend
Kiki-chan, I’ll carry your bag for you.
Kiki-chan, I’ll carry your bag for you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
4. 謝るとき
When apologizing
「すみません」は、英語の「I’m sorry」の意味でも使われます。自分のできなかったことのために相手に迷惑をかけてしまったという気持ちを表しています。謝るための表現には、「ごめんなさい」もあります。「ごめんなさい」が近しい間柄で使われるのに対して、ビジネスの場面やフォーマルな場面では、基本的に「すみません」を使います。「ごめんなさい」は、許してほしいというニュアンスが強いですが、「すみません」は、自分ができなかったことについて反省していますというニュアンスが強いため、責任感が感じられるからです。「すみません」は、知らない人に対する軽い謝罪にも使えます。
The phrase “sumimasen” is also used to mean “I’m sorry” in English. It expresses the feeling of having caused inconvenience to someone due to one’s inability or mistake. Another expression for apologizing is “gomen nasai.” While “gomen nasai” is typically used among close friends or family, “sumimasen” is preferred in business or formal situations. “Gomen nasai” has a stronger nuance of wanting forgiveness, whereas “sumimasen” carries a sense of self-reflection and acknowledgment of one’s shortcomings, which can convey a sense of responsibility. “Sumimasen” can also be used for lighter apologies toward strangers.
The phrase “sumimasen” is also used to mean “I’m sorry” in English. It expresses the feeling of having caused inconvenience to someone due to one’s inability or mistake. Another expression for apologizing is “gomen nasai.” While “gomen nasai” is typically used among close friends or family, “sumimasen” is preferred in business or formal situations. “Gomen nasai” has a stronger nuance of wanting forgiveness, whereas “sumimasen” carries a sense of self-reflection and acknowledgment of one’s shortcomings, which can convey a sense of responsibility. “Sumimasen” can also be used for lighter apologies toward strangers.
① 上司に対して / To Boss
Why isn’t the quarterly report done yet?
Why isn’t the quarterly report done yet?
I’m sorry, I will submit it by tomorrow.
I’m sorry, I will submit it by tomorrow.
② 友達に対して / To Friend
Why did you eat my dog food without asking?
Why did you eat my dog food without asking?
I’m sorry. I won’t eat it again (it wasn’t even tasty).
I’m sorry. I won’t eat it again (it wasn’t even tasty).
③ 知らない人にぶつかったとき / When bumping into a stranger
I’m sorry.
I’m sorry.
The phrase “sumimasen” can also be used in the past tense. If you want to apologize for something that cannot be undone, use “sumimasen deshita” to express your regret.
The phrase “sumimasen” can also be used in the past tense. If you want to apologize for something that cannot be undone, use “sumimasen deshita” to express your regret.
④ 居酒屋でグラスを割ったとき / When breaking a glass at a bar
(ガッシャーン!)… すみませんでした。グラス、弁償します
(Crash!)… I’m very sorry. I will pay for the glass.
(Crash!)… I’m very sorry. I will pay for the glass.
No need for the money. Are you hurt?
No need for the money. Are you hurt?