“All you need is the plan, the road map, and the courage to press on to your destination.”
— Earl Nightingale
— アール・ナイチンゲール
Hey Mimi, I understand that directories are in a tree structure, but how do I go to another directory?
Hey Mimi, I understand that directories are in a tree structure, but how do I go to another directory?
You just need to use cd!
You just need to use cd!
キキちゃん、cd ..しか呪文しらない…
I only know the cd .. spell…
I only know the cd .. spell…
cd ..は、ひとつ上の階層へ行くコマンドだったわね
cd .. is the command that takes you one level up, right?
cd .. is the command that takes you one level up, right?
そう、cd ..だけで遊んでたら、ルートディレクトまで上がって動けなくなっちゃうんだ
Yeah, I kept playing with just cd .. and ended up at the root directory, unable to move!
Yeah, I kept playing with just cd .. and ended up at the root directory, unable to move!
That sounds troublesome. This time, let’s practice moving through different directories using cd.
That sounds troublesome. This time, let’s practice moving through different directories using cd.
├── Users
├── user_0
├── user_1
└── kiki
├── Desktop
├── Documents
├── Downloads
├── Users
├── user_0
├── user_1
└── kiki
├── Desktop
├── Documents
├── Downloads
I’ve marked the directory you’re in with pink so it’s easier to see. You’re at the topmost / directory, so let’s move one level down from here.
I’ve marked the directory you’re in with pink so it’s easier to see. You’re at the topmost / directory, so let’s move one level down from here.
A new spell?
A new spell?
Nope, just use cd. You type cd + space + absolute path to jump to the directory you want to go.
Nope, just use cd. You type cd + space + absolute path to jump to the directory you want to go.
cd absolute path?
cd absolute path?
絶対パスは、コンピュータの中でファイルやフォルダがどこにあるかを、ルートディレクトリ/からの全順路を順番に教えてくれる住所のようなものよ。例えば、cd /Users/kikiってタイプしてみて
An absolute path is like the full address of a file or folder, starting from the root directory/, telling you exactly where it is. For example, try typing cd /Users/kiki.
An absolute path is like the full address of a file or folder, starting from the root directory/, telling you exactly where it is. For example, try typing cd /Users/kiki.
$ cd /Users/kiki
Type pwd to check your current directory, and you should see that you’re in the kiki directory under the Users directory, just below the root directory.
Type pwd to check your current directory, and you should see that you’re in the kiki directory under the Users directory, just below the root directory.
Oh yeah.
Oh yeah.
├── Users
├── user_0
├── user_1
└── kiki
├── Desktop
├── Documents
├── Downloads
├── Users
├── user_0
├── user_1
└── kiki
├── Desktop
├── Documents
├── Downloads
You made it to the kiki directory! Now, let’s try going to the Desktop directory, which is right below kiki.
You made it to the kiki directory! Now, let’s try going to the Desktop directory, which is right below kiki.
Since it’s under the root directory /, then under Users, and then under kiki, this should be right.
Since it’s under the root directory /, then under Users, and then under kiki, this should be right.
$ cd /Users/kiki/Desktop
├── Users
├── user_0
├── user_1
└── kiki
├── Desktop
├── Documents
├── Downloads
├── Users
├── user_0
├── user_1
└── kiki
├── Desktop
├── Documents
├── Downloads
I thought you came from space, but you’re pretty sharp. You pick things quickly!
I thought you came from space, but you’re pretty sharp. You pick things quickly!
Now, try going back to the kiki directory.
Now, try going back to the kiki directory.
What’s wrong, Kiki?
What’s wrong, Kiki?
There are two ways to do it! You can go from the root directory, enter the Users directory, and then move to the kiki directory…
There are two ways to do it! You can go from the root directory, enter the Users directory, and then move to the kiki directory…
$ cd /Users/kiki/
This way works, or you can go one level up from the Desktop directory…
This way works, or you can go one level up from the Desktop directory…
$ cd …
…and this way will also get you to the kiki directory!
…and this way will also get you to the kiki directory!
├── Users
├── user_0
├── user_1
└── kiki
├── Desktop
├── Documents
├── Downloads
├── Users
├── user_0
├── user_1
└── kiki
├── Desktop
├── Documents
├── Downloads
Kiki, realizing that in just one second is impressive! There are many ways to approach any problem. You can use either absolute or relative paths, whichever works best for you at the time.
Kiki, realizing that in just one second is impressive! There are many ways to approach any problem. You can use either absolute or relative paths, whichever works best for you at the time.
Relative path?
Relative path?
A relative path shows the route from the directory you’re currently in.
A relative path shows the route from the directory you’re currently in.
/Users/kiki points to the same location no matter who’s looking at it, while .. refers to one directory above where you are, making it relative.
/Users/kiki points to the same location no matter who’s looking at it, while .. refers to one directory above where you are, making it relative.
キキちゃん、なかなか鋭いわ。まさにその通り!kikiディレクトリからUsers_1ディレクトリに行く方法で図解すると、絶対パスだと、cd /Users/Users_1だからこんな感じ
Kiki, you’re sharp! Exactly right! To go from the kiki directory to the Users_1 directory, the absolute path would be cd /Users/Users_1.
Kiki, you’re sharp! Exactly right! To go from the kiki directory to the Users_1 directory, the absolute path would be cd /Users/Users_1.
├── Users
├── user_0
├── user_1
└── kiki ← カレントディレクトリの場所は関係ない (The path has nothing to do with the current directory.)
├── Desktop
├── Documents
├── Downloads
├── Users
├── user_0
├── user_1
└── kiki ← カレントディレクトリの場所は関係ない (The path has nothing to do with the current directory.)
├── Desktop
├── Documents
├── Downloads
相対パスだと、cd ../Users_1で、kiki→ひとつ上の階層(Users)→users_1と移動できるの
For the relative path, you would type cd ../Users_1, which lets you move like kiki → one level up (Users) → Users_1.
For the relative path, you would type cd ../Users_1, which lets you move like kiki → one level up (Users) → Users_1.
/Users/kiki points to the same location no matter who’s looking at it, while .. refers to one directory above where you are, making it relative.
/Users/kiki points to the same location no matter who’s looking at it, while .. refers to one directory above where you are, making it relative.
├── Users
├── user_0
├── user_1
└── kiki← カレントディレクトリからスタート (The path starts from the current directory.)
├── Desktop
├── Documents
├── Downloads
├── Users
├── user_0
├── user_1
└── kiki← カレントディレクトリからスタート (The path starts from the current directory.)
├── Desktop
├── Documents
├── Downloads
An absolute path points to the same location no matter where Kiki-chan is, but a relative path changes depending on where Kiki-chan is, right?
An absolute path points to the same location no matter where Kiki-chan is, but a relative path changes depending on where Kiki-chan is, right?
その通り!実は、カレントディレクトリの直下のディレクトリだったら、cd + 行きたいディレクトリ名だけで移動できるよ
Exactly! Actually, if it’s a directory directly under the current one, you can just type cd + the directory name you want to go to to move there.
Exactly! Actually, if it’s a directory directly under the current one, you can just type cd + the directory name you want to go to to move there.
That’s convenient.
That’s convenient.
さらに、/はルートディレクトリ、~はホームディレクトリを表すから、cd /
でルートディレクトリに行けるし、cd ~でホームディレクトリに行けるよ。色々試してみてね
Additionally, / represents the root directory and ~ represents the home directory, so you can go to the root directory with cd / and to the home directory with cd ~. Try experimenting with it!
でルートディレクトリに行けるし、cd ~でホームディレクトリに行けるよ。色々試してみてね
Additionally, / represents the root directory and ~ represents the home directory, so you can go to the root directory with cd / and to the home directory with cd ~. Try experimenting with it!
絶対パスでディレクトリを移動する方法:cd + スペース + 絶対パス
Move to a directory using an absolute path: cd + space + absolute path -
相対パスでディレクトリを移動する方法:cd + スペース + 相対パス
Move to a directory using a relative path: cd + space + relative path -
カレントディレクトリの直下のディレクトリにはcd + スペース + 行きたいディレクトリ名だけで移動できる
To move to a directory directly under the current directory, just type cd + space + directory name - /はルートディレクトリ、~はホームディレクトリを表す / represents the root directory and ~ represents the home directory.