ねえミミ、 FX(えふえっくす)ってなに?
Hey Mimi, what’s FX?
Hey Mimi, what’s FX?
FX(外国為替証拠金取引、Foreign Exchangeの略)というのは、異なる通貨を売ったり買ったりして利益を狙う金融取引のことよ
FX stands for Foreign Exchange margin trading, where you buy and sell different currencies aiming to make a profit.
FX stands for Foreign Exchange margin trading, where you buy and sell different currencies aiming to make a profit.
- 目次 (Contents)
- FXの特徴① 通貨の売買して利益を狙う。損することもある Point 1: Buying and Selling Currencies to Make a Profit, but There is a Risk of Loss
- FXの特徴② レバレッジをかけられる。ロスカットされることもある Point 2: Using Leverage to Increase Potential Gains (and Losses)
- FXの特徴③ スプレッドという取引コストがかかる Point 3: Trading Costs – The Spread
- FXの特徴④ 24時間取引可能 Point 4: FX is Available for Trading 24 Hours a Day
- おすすめのFX取引所 Recommended FX Exchange
- 最大300,000円のキャッシュバックキャンペーン! Cashback Campaign of up to 300,000 Yen!
目次 (Contents)
- FXの特徴① 通貨の売買して利益を狙う。損することもある
Point 1: Buying and Selling Currencies to Make a Profit, but There is a Risk of Loss - FXの特徴② レバレッジをかけられる
Point 2: Using Leverage to Increase Potential Gains (and Losses) - FXの特徴③ スプレッドという取引コストがかかる
Point 3: Trading Costs – The Spread - FXの特徴④ 24時間取引可能
Point 4: FX is Available for Trading 24 Hours a Day - オススメの取引所
Recommended FX Exchange - 最大300,000円のキャッシュバックキャンペーン!
Cashback Campaign of up to 300,000 Yen!
FXの特徴① 通貨の売買して利益を狙う。損することもある Point 1: Buying and Selling Currencies to Make a Profit, but There is a Risk of Loss
You mean currencies like yen, dollars, and euros?
You mean currencies like yen, dollars, and euros?
Yes, and there are many other currencies worldwide that you can trade at various exchange rates.
Yes, and there are many other currencies worldwide that you can trade at various exchange rates.
So if I buy $100 when 1 dollar is 100 yen, I spend 10,000 yen, but if the rate rises to 150 yen per dollar and I sell, I get 15,000 yen, so I gain 5,000 yen?
So if I buy $100 when 1 dollar is 100 yen, I spend 10,000 yen, but if the rate rises to 150 yen per dollar and I sell, I get 15,000 yen, so I gain 5,000 yen?
Exactly. But the opposite can happen too. If the rate drops to 50 yen per dollar, you’d only get 5,000 yen, meaning you’d lose 5,000 yen.
Exactly. But the opposite can happen too. If the rate drops to 50 yen per dollar, you’d only get 5,000 yen, meaning you’d lose 5,000 yen.
If I can lose money, maybe it’s not worth doing…
If I can lose money, maybe it’s not worth doing…
Kiki, every aspect of life has risks.
Kiki, every aspect of life has risks.
What about risks?
What about risks?
Even working as an employee, the company might go bankrupt, or you might quit because of harassment.
Even working as an employee, the company might go bankrupt, or you might quit because of harassment.
Harassment sounds terrible.
Harassment sounds terrible.
Even if you start your own business, it could fail.
Even if you start your own business, it could fail.
Oh no!
Oh no!
Even putting money in a bank could lose value due to inflation.
Even putting money in a bank could lose value due to inflation.
Inflation is scary…
Inflation is scary…
Even safe stock investments can crash.
Even safe stock investments can crash.
And even cryptocurrencies with big profits could lose value due to new laws or technologies.
And even cryptocurrencies with big profits could lose value due to new laws or technologies.
(Shudder, even more)
(Shudder, even more)
That’s why the biggest risk is doing nothing. The important thing is understanding the risks and managing them properly.
That’s why the biggest risk is doing nothing. The important thing is understanding the risks and managing them properly.
Risk management…
Risk management…
Exactly. You can’t predict FX price movements perfectly, but if you understand global events and key indicators, and make well-informed decisions, it becomes proper asset management rather than just gambling.
Exactly. You can’t predict FX price movements perfectly, but if you understand global events and key indicators, and make well-informed decisions, it becomes proper asset management rather than just gambling.
FXの特徴② レバレッジをかけられる。ロスカットされることもある Point 2: Using Leverage to Increase Potential Gains (and Losses)
I heard that some people have turned 100,000 yen into billions through FX. How can they do that?
I heard that some people have turned 100,000 yen into billions through FX. How can they do that?
There are people like that, but you have to be careful because scammers and shady individuals often use those kinds of stories to lure you in. Innocent beginners like you, Kiki, are easy targets, so be cautious.
There are people like that, but you have to be careful because scammers and shady individuals often use those kinds of stories to lure you in. Innocent beginners like you, Kiki, are easy targets, so be cautious.
One of the reasons FX can lead to big profits is because of leverage.
One of the reasons FX can lead to big profits is because of leverage.
例えば、キキちゃんが10万円しか持っていないとするでしょ? だけど、レバレッジを10倍かけると、100万円分の取引をすることができるの
For example, let’s say you only have 100,000 yen. With 10x leverage, you can trade with the equivalent of 1 million yen.
For example, let’s say you only have 100,000 yen. With 10x leverage, you can trade with the equivalent of 1 million yen.
That’s amazing!
That’s amazing!
いま例でいくと、キキちゃんが10万円の聡明な分析と判断が功を奏して5%の利益を上げたとするでしょ? そうしたら利益は?
Let’s say your smart analysis and judgment earned you a 5% profit. How much would that be?
Let’s say your smart analysis and judgment earned you a 5% profit. How much would that be?
100,000円 × 0.05 = 5,000円だよ
100,000 yen × 0.05 = 5,000 yen.
100,000 yen × 0.05 = 5,000 yen.
Exactly! But if you had used 10x leverage, you would have earned 50,000 yen from that same 5% profit on 1 million yen. You’d pocket the 50,000 yen.
Exactly! But if you had used 10x leverage, you would have earned 50,000 yen from that same 5% profit on 1 million yen. You’d pocket the 50,000 yen.
逆に、レバレッジ10倍で、5%の損を出した場合には、5万円減って、キキちゃんの持ち金が10万円から一気に5万円まで減っちゃうということか… あ!
But on the other hand, if I lost 5% using 10x leverage, I’d lose 50,000 yen, so my 100,000 yen would shrink down to 50,000 yen… Oh no!
But on the other hand, if I lost 5% using 10x leverage, I’d lose 50,000 yen, so my 100,000 yen would shrink down to 50,000 yen… Oh no!
That’s right, Kiki. What’s wrong? You suddenly yelled.
That’s right, Kiki. What’s wrong? You suddenly yelled.
逆に、レバレッジ21倍で取引してたら、5%の損を出した場合、10万5千円減ることになって、キキちゃんのオカネが足りなくなる… (ゾゾ)
If I traded with 21x leverage and lost 5%, I’d lose 105,000 yen, which means I’d lose all my money… (Shudder)
If I traded with 21x leverage and lost 5%, I’d lose 105,000 yen, which means I’d lose all my money… (Shudder)
That’s exactly right. But if you only had 100,000 yen and lost 105,000 yen, the exchange that’s backing your trades would be in trouble.
That’s exactly right. But if you only had 100,000 yen and lost 105,000 yen, the exchange that’s backing your trades would be in trouble.
すみません… (しゅん)
Sorry… (Feeling down)
Sorry… (Feeling down)
That’s why, to avoid this situation, the exchange will usually perform a forced stop-loss (forced liquidation) before your losses exceed your available funds.
That’s why, to avoid this situation, the exchange will usually perform a forced stop-loss (forced liquidation) before your losses exceed your available funds.
A forced stop-loss? Does that mean my money disappears?
A forced stop-loss? Does that mean my money disappears?
Not exactly “disappear,” but when your funds are about to run out, the system automatically closes your positions to protect both you and the exchange from bigger losses. In Japan, by the way, the Financial Services Agency (FSA) limits individual leverage to a maximum of 25x.
Not exactly “disappear,” but when your funds are about to run out, the system automatically closes your positions to protect both you and the exchange from bigger losses. In Japan, by the way, the Financial Services Agency (FSA) limits individual leverage to a maximum of 25x.
FXの特徴③ スプレッドという取引コストがかかる Point 3: Trading Costs – The Spread
The next important thing to understand is that every trade involves a cost called the spread. This is the difference between the buying and selling price, and it’s essentially the fee charged by the exchange.
The next important thing to understand is that every trade involves a cost called the spread. This is the difference between the buying and selling price, and it’s essentially the fee charged by the exchange.
So, the more trades I make, the more money I lose?
So, the more trades I make, the more money I lose?
If the buy price is 100 yen and the sell price is also 100 yen, the company facilitating the trades would go bankrupt. You shouldn’t expect everything for free. However, FX spreads are much smaller compared to currency exchanges at banks. That’s why you should choose an exchange with lower spreads.
If the buy price is 100 yen and the sell price is also 100 yen, the company facilitating the trades would go bankrupt. You shouldn’t expect everything for free. However, FX spreads are much smaller compared to currency exchanges at banks. That’s why you should choose an exchange with lower spreads.
Even small price movements can lead to profits or losses, right?
Even small price movements can lead to profits or losses, right?
Also, some brokers charge additional fees apart from the spread, so make sure to check carefully when choosing a trading platform.
Also, some brokers charge additional fees apart from the spread, so make sure to check carefully when choosing a trading platform.
FXの特徴④ 24時間取引可能 Point 4: FX is Available for Trading 24 Hours a Day
Another interesting thing about FX is that there’s always a market open somewhere in the world, so you can trade 24 hours a day on weekdays.
Another interesting thing about FX is that there’s always a market open somewhere in the world, so you can trade 24 hours a day on weekdays.
The world really is round, isn’t it?
The world really is round, isn’t it?
If you’re the type who can’t sleep because you’re worried about price movements, FX might not be for you. But if you’re not a morning person, checking the market on your smartphone every morning might actually make waking up more enjoyable.
If you’re the type who can’t sleep because you’re worried about price movements, FX might not be for you. But if you’re not a morning person, checking the market on your smartphone every morning might actually make waking up more enjoyable.
I always sleep well, so I’m fine!
I always sleep well, so I’m fine!
When you’re trading FX, you get this strange feeling of being connected to everyone around the world in a sea of real-time information. I hope you enjoy life with FX, Kiki.
When you’re trading FX, you get this strange feeling of being connected to everyone around the world in a sea of real-time information. I hope you enjoy life with FX, Kiki.
Friends with everyone on Earth…
Friends with everyone on Earth…
おすすめのFX取引所 Recommended FX Exchange
So, how do I start trading FX?
So, how do I start trading FX?
You just need to create an account at a trading platform you like, deposit some money, and you can start trading right away.
You just need to create an account at a trading platform you like, deposit some money, and you can start trading right away.
How do I choose a trading platform?
How do I choose a trading platform?
特にこだわりがなければ、とりあえず株式会社DMM.com証券 (ディーエムエムドットコムしょうけん)のDMM FXで始めるといいよ。業者Aで買ったドルのほうが業者Bで買うより上がりやすいとか品質がいいとか、そんなことはないからね
If you don’t have any particular preferences, you can start with DMM FX by DMM.com Securities. There’s no difference in the quality of the dollars you buy from broker A or broker B; the price isn’t going to be better at one broker over another.
If you don’t have any particular preferences, you can start with DMM FX by DMM.com Securities. There’s no difference in the quality of the dollars you buy from broker A or broker B; the price isn’t going to be better at one broker over another.
じゃあ、DMM FXがオススメなのはなぜ?大手DMMグループで安心だから?
So why do you recommend DMM FX? Is it because it’s part of the large DMM Group, so it’s trustworthy?
So why do you recommend DMM FX? Is it because it’s part of the large DMM Group, so it’s trustworthy?
それもあるし、実は、株式会社DMM.com証券は、金融やフィンテック業界に特化した情報分析・提供をおこなっているFinance Magnates社の調べによると、FX取引高が2年連続で世界1位の証券会社という実績があるの
That’s one reason, but also because DMM.com Securities has ranked No. 1 in the world for FX trading volume for two consecutive years, according to a study by Finance Magnates, a company that specializes in financial and fintech industry analysis.
That’s one reason, but also because DMM.com Securities has ranked No. 1 in the world for FX trading volume for two consecutive years, according to a study by Finance Magnates, a company that specializes in financial and fintech industry analysis.
Oh yeas. It’s written.
Oh yeas. It’s written.
Also, all other fees, except for the spread, are completely free.
Also, all other fees, except for the spread, are completely free.
What kind of fees are we talking about?
What kind of fees are we talking about?
Transaction fees, account maintenance fees, quick deposit fees, withdrawal fees, account registration fees, and even forced stop-loss fees. All of these are free. Many other brokers charge fees in these areas, so it’s a great deal.
Transaction fees, account maintenance fees, quick deposit fees, withdrawal fees, account registration fees, and even forced stop-loss fees. All of these are free. Many other brokers charge fees in these areas, so it’s a great deal.
So how low is the spread?
So how low is the spread?
For the USD/JPY currency pair, it’s 0.002. That means when you buy at 140.002 yen, you can sell at 140.000 yen. This is one of the lowest spreads in the industry.
For the USD/JPY currency pair, it’s 0.002. That means when you buy at 140.002 yen, you can sell at 140.000 yen. This is one of the lowest spreads in the industry.
“One of the lowest in the industry”… (Cool)
“One of the lowest in the industry”… (Cool)
There’s also a great point system and free economic news that’s displayed in near real-time, so you won’t miss out on market movements.
There’s also a great point system and free economic news that’s displayed in near real-time, so you won’t miss out on market movements.
Information is key.
Information is key.
They’re partnered with 340 financial institutions, so you can make quick deposits and withdrawals. For busy modern people, this is a game-changer. Nowadays, finance moves in milliseconds!
They’re partnered with 340 financial institutions, so you can make quick deposits and withdrawals. For busy modern people, this is a game-changer. Nowadays, finance moves in milliseconds!
So if you suddenly need money or there’s breaking news, you won’t be left behind.
So if you suddenly need money or there’s breaking news, you won’t be left behind.
The trading speeds are super fast too. Whether you’re on a PC or a smartphone, you can make quick trades anytime, stress-free.
The trading speeds are super fast too. Whether you’re on a PC or a smartphone, you can make quick trades anytime, stress-free.
Oh, the smartphone app looks really sleek and easy to use!
Oh, the smartphone app looks really sleek and easy to use!
Once you get used to it, you can customize it however you like to create the perfect trading environment. You can practice with demo trading, but honestly, after some practice, you should just deposit 100,000 yen or so and start trading for real.
Once you get used to it, you can customize it however you like to create the perfect trading environment. You can practice with demo trading, but honestly, after some practice, you should just deposit 100,000 yen or so and start trading for real.
Isn’t it scary to put in real money right away?
Isn’t it scary to put in real money right away?
In the end, you can’t experience the tension, fear, or excitement of real trading with demo trades. You only get to know your true self when your actual money is on the line. Even if you do well in a demo trade, will you be able to act the same way in the real thing? Many people panic or get overconfident and end up losing all their funds in a flash.
In the end, you can’t experience the tension, fear, or excitement of real trading with demo trades. You only get to know your true self when your actual money is on the line. Even if you do well in a demo trade, will you be able to act the same way in the real thing? Many people panic or get overconfident and end up losing all their funds in a flash.
You don’t really know how your mindset will change until you try, huh?
You don’t really know how your mindset will change until you try, huh?
FX isn’t just about fundamentals or technical analysis. It’s the sum of irrational human emotions. The most important risk management skill is being able to control your own mind.
FX isn’t just about fundamentals or technical analysis. It’s the sum of irrational human emotions. The most important risk management skill is being able to control your own mind.
Managing the risks of my own emotions…
Managing the risks of my own emotions…
Exactly, and that’s the hardest part. But if you can manage the risks of your own mind, Kiki, you could definitely become a millionaire.
Exactly, and that’s the hardest part. But if you can manage the risks of your own mind, Kiki, you could definitely become a millionaire.
A millionaire…
A millionaire…
まずは行動。行動は人生の最大の師匠よ。本当の練習は、自分のオカネを入れた本番環境でしかできないからね。DMM FXでアカウントをつくったら、最速30分後には取引開始できてるわ。FXのある暮らしを楽しんでね!
First, take action. Action is life’s greatest teacher. The real practice can only happen in a live environment with your own money. Once you create an account with DMM FX, you can start trading in as little as 30 minutes. Enjoy life with FX!
First, take action. Action is life’s greatest teacher. The real practice can only happen in a live environment with your own money. Once you create an account with DMM FX, you can start trading in as little as 30 minutes. Enjoy life with FX!
最大300,000円のキャッシュバックキャンペーン! Cashback Campaign of up to 300,000 Yen!
DMM FXでは、いま、新規アカウント登録後+条件達成最大300,000円のキャッシュバックのキャンペーンもやってるよ!
DMM FX is currently running a campaign where you can get up to 300,000 yen cashback after registering a new account and meeting certain conditions!
DMM FX is currently running a campaign where you can get up to 300,000 yen cashback after registering a new account and meeting certain conditions!
Is this for real?
Is this for real?
DMM FXのオフィシャルサイトにも書いてあるし、ほんとうよ!キャンペーンがいつまで続くかわからないから、この機会を逃さないように気を付けてね
It’s true! It’s even listed on the official DMM FX website. But we don’t know how long this campaign will last, so be sure not to miss out on this opportunity!
It’s true! It’s even listed on the official DMM FX website. But we don’t know how long this campaign will last, so be sure not to miss out on this opportunity!
What are the conditions?
What are the conditions?
DMM FXでアカウント登録 → 本人確認書類の提出 → アカウント審査 → 登録完了 → 以下のキャッシュバックの条件と金額取引量に応じてキャッシュバックがもらえる、という流れね
You register an account with DMM FX → Submit your ID documents → Account verification → Registration complete → You get cashback based on the amount of trading volume, as shown below.
You register an account with DMM FX → Submit your ID documents → Account verification → Registration complete → You get cashback based on the amount of trading volume, as shown below.
新規取引数量 Trade Volume |
キャッシュバック金額 Cashback Amount |
120,000Lot~ | ¥300,000 |
80,000Lot~119,999Lot | ¥250,000 |
40,000Lot~79,999Lot | ¥200,000 |
30,000Lot~39,999Lot | ¥150,000 |
20,000Lot~29,999Lot | ¥100,000 |
5,000Lot~19,999Lot | ¥50,000 |
2,000Lot~4,999Lot | ¥20,000 |
1,000Lot~1,999Lot | ¥10,000 |
DMM FX、すっげ
DMM FX is awesome.
DMM FX is awesome.