lsコマンド ① コマンドのオプション

シェル / Shell
Cashback Campaign  
“Alas, our frailty is the cause, not we. For such as we are made of, such we be.”
— William Shakespeare
— ウィリアム・シェイクスピア
Hey Mimi, is there a way to see what’s inside a directory?
If you type ls, you can see the contents of the current directory.
$ ls
Desktop    Documents    Downloads    Library    Movies    Music    Pictures    Public
Oh, you’re right!

目次 (Contents)

1. 最初から入っているディレクトリやファイルを消さないほうがいい
You shouldn’t delete directories or files that are there from the start.

Right now, Kiki, you’re in your home directory, so you can see the directories right under it.
Why are there already things in here?
うん、簡単に言うとね、最初からあるフォルダは、Macが勝手に作ってるんだ。例えば、Downloads はダウンロードしたものが自動で入るとこ。あとは、アプリがファイルをPCに保存するときに、書類系だったらDocumentsに入れるし、画像系だったらPicturesに入れるし…
Well, to put it simply, those folders were created automatically by Mac. For example, files you download automatically go into the Downloads folder. Apps that save documents usually store them in Documents, and image files go into Pictures…
So those folders are there from the start to prevent confusion about where apps save files, right?
Exactly. If you delete these standard folders, apps may not function properly.
Oh, okay. I’ll be careful not to delete them by mistake!
Well, most of the time, if you delete them, they get created again. You can delete some of them, but it’s better not to delete folders that were there from the start unless you’re sure.
So, they’re there for a reason, huh?
Especially the Library folder. It contains important system data and app configuration files, so if you delete it, that would be a disaster.
You should’ve told me sooner!
Kiki, you don’t even know the command to delete directories yet, right?
Yeah… Teach me!
Not yet, it’s too soon. First, let’s learn a bit more about ls.
The ls command is short for “List”. It means to create a list, and it shows you the directories and files in the current directory. But there’s more to it.

2. ls -lでカレントディレクトリの中身の詳細が見れる
With ls -l, you can see the detailed contents of the current directory.

キキちゃん、ls -lとタイプしてみて
Kiki, try typing ls -l.
Got it.
$ ls -l
total 0
drwx‑‑‑‑‑‑+  3 kiki  staff   96 Sep 23 20:41 Desktop
drwx‑‑‑‑‑‑+  3 kiki  staff   96 Sep 23 20:41 Documents
drwx‑‑‑‑‑‑+  3 kiki  staff   96 Sep 23 20:41 Downloads
drwx‑‑‑‑‑‑+ 26 kiki  staff  832 Sep 23 20:41 Library
drwx‑‑‑‑‑‑   3 kiki  staff   96 Sep 23 20:41 Movies
drwx‑‑‑‑‑‑+  3 kiki  staff   96 Sep 23 20:41 Music
drwx‑‑‑‑‑‑+  3 kiki  staff   96 Sep 23 20:41 Pictures
drwxr‑xr‑x+  4 kiki  staff  128 Sep 23 20:41 Public
ls -lはね、”List Long”の略で、「長めの一覧をつくって」ということ。いちばん上の行を見てみて
ls -l is short for “List Long,” meaning it creates a detailed list. Look at the first line.
drwx——+ 21 kiki staff 672 Sep 23 17:08 Desktop
You see where it says Desktop on the right? This shows details such as access permissions, modification dates, and other file information in the Desktop directory.
I have no idea how to read them.
とりあえず、ls -lで、ディレクトリの中のディレクトリやファイルの詳細が見れると思ってたらいいわ
For now, just remember that ls -l lets you see detailed information about the directories and files inside.

3. ls -aでカレントディレクトリの中の隠しディレクトリと隠しファイルも見れる
With ls -a, you can also see hidden directories and files.

次は、ls -aってタイプしてみて
Next, try typing ls -a.
$ ls -a
.    .CFUserTextEncoding    Documents    Library    Music       Public
..    Desktop               Downloads    Movies     Pictures
Some directories appeared…
そうなの、ls -aは”List All”の略で「すべての一覧をつくれ」ということ。通常隠れているファイルやディレクトリも全部表示してくれるのよ。例えば、「.」や「..」っていうディレクトリは、普段見えないけど、こうして表示されるの
That’s right. ls -a stands for “List All.” It shows all the files and directories, even the hidden ones. For example, the “.” and “..” directories are usually hidden, but they appear here.

4. 隠しディレクトリと隠しファイルって一体?
What exactly are hidden directories and hidden files?

What’s a hidden file or directory?
Hidden files and directories are ones that start with a dot (.). They’re used to store system or application settings and data. For example, .CFUserTextEncoding stores a user’s character encoding settings. They’re hidden so that users don’t accidentally delete or change them.
What’s the “.”?
“.” represents the current directory, which means the directory you’re in right now. “..” represents the directory one level above.
なるほど!だからcd ..で親ディレクトリに行けるのか
I get it! That’s why cd .. takes you to the parent directory.
Overall, many apps or the system itself store configuration files in hidden directories. These hidden files often contain important system information, so it’s best not to tamper with them.
Got it!

5. lsコマンドには、いろんなオプションがある
The ls command has many different options.

そうね、lsには他にもたくさんのオプションがあるんだけど、とりあえず最初はls -lls -aだけ覚えておけば十分よ。どちらも便利だし、よく使うから
Exactly. The ls command has many other options, but for now, just remembering ls -l and ls -a will be enough. They’re both really handy and frequently used.
Got it, but what exactly is an “option”?
Good question! An option is something you add to a command to modify its behavior or show additional information. For example, by default, the ls command only shows file names in the current directory, but with the -l option, it shows detailed information about each file. That’s the role of an option.
I see! So by using options, you can use the same command in different ways!
そうよ!だから、lsに限らず、他のコマンドにもいろいろなオプションがあって、自分の目的に合わせて使えるの。まずはls -lls -aをしっかり覚えて、慣れてきたら他のオプションも試してみるといいわ
Exactly! And not just for ls; other commands have options too, and you can choose them based on what you need to do. First, get comfortable with ls -l and ls -a, and once you’re used to those, you can try other options.


  • lsコマンド:カレントディレクトリの中のディレクトリやファイルが見れる
    The ls command shows directories and files in the current directory.
  • むやみやたらに最初から入っているファイルやディレクトリを消すと、システムが壊れる可能性がある
    Deleting files and directories that were there from the start can break your system.
  • lsコマンドには、ハイフン記号でつなげて、いろいろなオプションを付けることができる
    The ls command can have various options added with a hyphen (-).
  • ls -lでカレントディレクトリのディレクトリやファイルの詳細が見れる
    Use ls -l to see detailed information about directories and files in the current directory.
  • ls -aでカレントディレクトリの隠しファイルの詳細も見れる。カレントディレクトし自身や親ディレクトリも隠れている
    With ls -a, you can also see hidden files, including the current and parent directories.